30 05, 2023

Covid-19 travel to South Africa


Released August 2nd, 2022: Dear Travelers, Below is the latest information we have. We continue to monitor how countries, airlines, and travel suppliers adapt to travel restrictions and changes. “We have good news! The travel and tourism industry is almost back to its 2019 peak, with a recovery rate of over 95%. The outlook for summer travel in 2023 is also looking quite positive, with only a 5% difference compared to pre-pandemic levels in 2019, when travel was at its highest. South Africa is currently welcoming international travelers and Go [...]

Covid-19 travel to South Africa2023-06-07T07:31:55+00:00
20 05, 2023

Do I need vaccinations to travel to South Africa?


Here is some general information to help you prepare for your visit to South Africa. Please consult your healthcare provider before you depart for updated information and treatment appropriate to your health and circumstances. Currently, the only mandatory vaccine is yellow fever for travelers arriving from a country at risk for yellow fever or in transit for more than 12 hours at an airport in a country at risk for yellow fever. Should you be entering South Africa via any countries mentioned below, proof of yellow fever vaccination would [...]

Do I need vaccinations to travel to South Africa?2023-06-07T07:38:54+00:00