10 03, 2021

Victoria Falls & Chamabonda Safari ~ Masuwe Lodge, Zimbabwe


Deep in the heart of Southern Africa is the largest waterfall in the world. Mosi-oa-Tunya, The Smoke That Thunders. More famously known as Victoria Falls, it is the combined width of 1,708m, the height of 108m and, in the rainy season, the 12 600m3/s that roars over the edge which makes this the world's largest sheet of falling water. Scottish explorer, David Livingstone was, the first European to see the falls and it was he who named them after the Queen. One of the seven natural wonders of the world, [...]

Victoria Falls & Chamabonda Safari ~ Masuwe Lodge, Zimbabwe2023-05-03T15:43:32+00:00
10 03, 2021

Victoria Falls & Chobe Safari ~ Safari Lodge, Zimbabwe


No matter which side of the Zambezi River you are standing on, the sight of the mighty Victoria Falls is always spectacular and awe-inspiring. It’s a sight for which nothing can prepare you. It’s no surprise that the falls are one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. They may truly be nature’s greatest masterpiece. The Zambezi River which feeds the Falls is as majestic. It’s seemingly slow meandering belies its strength and power, a grandeur that has to be seen, to be felt and experienced to really understand. [...]

Victoria Falls & Chobe Safari ~ Safari Lodge, Zimbabwe2023-08-01T09:41:01+00:00
10 03, 2021

Victoria Falls & Chobe Safari ~ Ilala Lodge, Zimbabwe


No matter which side of the Zambezi River you are standing on, the sight of the mighty Victoria Falls is always spectacular and awe-inspiring. It’s a sight for which nothing can prepare you. It’s no surprise that the falls are one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. They may truly be nature’s greatest masterpiece. The Zambezi River which feeds the Falls is as majestic. It’s seemingly slow meandering belies its strength and power, a grandeur that has to be seen, to be felt and experienced to really understand. [...]

Victoria Falls & Chobe Safari ~ Ilala Lodge, Zimbabwe2023-08-01T09:43:52+00:00